Two of the most common questions
Two of the most common questions that would pop into my head when I first headed down the path to miniature gardening was "How do I take care of these plants?" and "How do I keep these gardens looking as beautiful as the day I planted them?" When it comes to fairy gardening picking out the miniature plants, miniature accessories, and garden fairies is the most exciting part of creating a garden – but maintenance is the absolute most mini fridge Suppliers important part of mini gardening. These tiny thoughtful details set individual gardens apart from others.
My first couple miniature gardens got rather overgrown and shabby looking, so I searched for "how to" answers. It took time, many good questions to people much smarter than I am, plus experience to learn about the different miniature plants. I had to learn how to care for the plants properly. It becomes even more of an opportunity to gain this knowledge in the late-summer months when our gardens are occupying outdoor space, and the sun and rain cause them to overgrow.When I started tending gardens and plants the first piece of advice I received from a neighbor was "always have a good pair of shears." It turned out to be helpful advice, but with my first good pair of shears, I cut off the tip of my finger while being careless – always exercise caution when using sharp tools! All is well and I am back to maintaining the plants in my fairy garden.
The Isotoma ‘Blue Star Creeper’ is an ideal plant to show that if it is overgrown, you can trim it back because it will grow back. Another plant that you need to take care of is the Cuphea ‘Mexican Heather’ which looks like a mini-tree with purple flowers blooming on it. You can trim this plant to control the height if you feel it has gotten too tall. An interesting plant that you need to control is the Acorus ‘Dwarf Sweet Flag,’ which is a green plant that looks like tall grass (or an Iris). When this plant becomes overgrown, you can break the root ball apart. My last choice would be Bellium ‘Miniature Daisy,' a personal favorite of mine. You need to deadhead the dying flowers to keep the plant healthy and blooming. All of these plants are great choices when planning your miniature garden. Not only are the plants attractive in the fairy garden, but they are easy to maintain once you have learned the techniques. The impact a miniature plant can make is even more influential to your garden if you correctly prune this tiny flora.